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We will help you reset patterns of tension, pain and stress for lasting relief with little to no side effects, medications or expensive interventions.

Acupuncture not only helps to repair injured muscles and joints, it also stimulates the release of your body's own anti-inflammatories and pain relieving neurotransmitters while changing the way pain is perceived in the nervous system. 

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What can Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture has been studied and proven to be effective in treating:

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/ Temporomanibular Joint Disorder

Jaw pain

Facial pain

Shoulder or neck pain

Jaw stiffness

Difficulty opening or closing the mouth

Jaw popping or clicking

Headaches and migraines



Ringing in the ears

Change in how the teeth fit together

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Post Herpetic Neuralgia

Chronic neck, face, head and shoulder tension

Your Initial Consultation is free.
Come meet us in person and learn more. 

Or, just call (626) 208-9697 if you have any questions. We're here to help!

How can Acupuncture Help?

Manipulates fascia and muscles to release tension and adhesions. Rewires patterns of stress and tension in the body.

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Inhibits pain signals to the brain.

Improves blood flow and metabolism of lactic acid and inflammation.

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Triggers the body’s natural healing mechanisms, allowing old injuries to heal.

Stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins that relieve pain and enhance one’s sense of overall well-being.

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Increases serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood, which in turn relieves pain.

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Here's How We Help You 
Overcome Your Pain


Clear and Detailed Root Cause Assessment 


Take a detailed health inventory to assess your unique history, current environment, physiology and goals. We will start to piece out the root cause of your symptoms.


A Customized, Clear Plan of Action

We will put together a detailed treatment plan, specific to your symptoms, vulnerabilities and lifestyle using 100% natural medicine, key supplements and lifestyle modification putting you back in charge of your health and your life. Our program is free of pharmaceuticals, surgery and high risk intervention.


Weekly Acupuncture to Relieve Pain and Adjust Neuroendocrine Factors

Begin weekly acupuncture sessions with the goal of releasing muscle tension, reducing inflammation in the body + bringing your nervous system back into the parasympathetic state where it can repair and heal.


Ongoing Monitoring and Pain Elimination 


Follow up at regular intervals to ensure progress is measurable and pain is significantly reduced or eliminated and quality of life is restored.


Occasional Maintenance if Needed 

If needed, regular occasional maintenance to ensure results are permanent.

Your Initial Consultation is free.
Come meet us in person and learn more. 

Or, just call (626) 208-9697 if you have any questions. We're here to help!

Learn more about :  Book Now   |   Our Testimonials   |   FAQs  |   Verify Insurance

Your Insurance may cover Acupuncture due to its efficacy in treating pain!

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